Hans-Peter Kriegel

Hans-Peter Kriegel
Born 1 October 1948 (1948-10)
Residence Germany
Nationality German
Fields Computer Science (Data mining, spatial data management)
Institutions Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Known for R*-tree, X-tree, DBSCAN, OPTICS, LOF
Notable awards ACM fellow

Hans-Peter Kriegel (1 October 1948, Germany) is a German computer scientist and professor at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and leading the Database Systems Group in the Department of Computer Science.

His most important contributions are the database index structures R*-tree, X-tree and IQ-Tree, the cluster analysis algorithms DBSCAN, OPTICS and SUBCLU and the anomaly detection method Local Outlier Factor (LOF).

In 2009 the Association for Computing Machinery appointed Hans-Peter Kriegel a "fellow",[1] one of its highest honors. He has been honored in particular for his contributions to "knowledge discovery and data mining, similarity search, spatial data management, and access methods for high-dimensional data".

He is the most cited[2] German researcher in databases[3] and data mining.[4]

His current research is focused around correlation clustering, high-dimensional data indexing and analysis, spatial data mining and spatial data management as well as multimedia databases.

His research group publishes a Java software framework titled Environment for DeveLoping KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures (ELKI) that is designed for the parallel research of index structures, data mining algorithms and their interaction, such as optimized data mining algorithms based on databases indexes.


  1. ^ Association for Computing Machinery. "ACM Names 47 Fellows for Innovations in Computing, Information Technology". http://www.acm.org/press-room/news-releases/2009/fellows-2009/. Retrieved 2011-01-25. 
  2. ^ E. Rahm, A. Thor (2005). "Citation analysis of database publications". SIGMOD Record (Association for Computing Machinery) 34 (4). http://www.sigmod.org/publications/sigmod-record/0512/p48-article-rahm.pdf. Retrieved 2010-05-10. 
  3. ^ Microsoft Academic Search. "Top-ranked Authors in "Databases"". http://academic.research.microsoft.com/CSDirectory/Author_category_18.htm. Retrieved 2010-12-03. "Rank 13 in Databases" 
  4. ^ Microsoft Academic Search. "Top-ranked Authors in "Data Mining"". http://academic.research.microsoft.com/CSDirectory/Author_category_7.htm. Retrieved 2010-12-03. "Rank 7 in Data Mining" 

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